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Watersaver Garden survives heat and smoke

Posted by Alan Singleton on

Nice to get such positive feedback:

Hello Alan. Attached are photos of garden assembled and firing on all fronts - About 5 weeks after planting with a combination of seeds & seedlings. I am in my mid-70’s and not particularly mechanically astute, but I found the instructions, labelling and additional telephone advice made assembly of the larger raised unit pretty easy on my own (only drawback nobody to yell at). I put it on sleepers (perfect length) and rollers to let me clean underneath. It made a previously barren concrete area beautifully fertile. Honey bees and native bees ( hive and hotel just out of picture) love it. Will send separate photos. The whole setup has worked beautifully over the past 4 weeks of heatwave and bushfires with minimal water. Happy for you to edit and use any of this as a testimonial. Regards Ian (Canberra)


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