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Alan's Garden Blog — Product Info

Video of canopy frame assembley

Posted by Alan Singleton on

I have designed a canopy frame for my gardens. It is suitable for covering with shade cloth, fruit fly and frost cover. I use a fine nylon bird mesh to keep out the cabbage moth. it also works well stopping dogs and possums playing havoc with your garden. If you are interested in retro fitting a canopy frame have a look at the video. Of course I can drill the required holes and forward a cover with any new purchase. Link:

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Posted by Alan Singleton on

I have just added a couple of accessories to my product list. Wormpost: a 20 kg mix of 'half-baked' compost and worms. Inoculating your garden with the worms and associated micro organisms is just the thing to get your garden going.   Canopy Frame: to protect your garden from sun, frost, cabbage moths, rabbits, scrub turkeys, dogs and rabbits. All sorts of covers can be used on the canopy. It has spikes along the top row so any cover will catch on them, preventing the cover slipping off. More details and photos on the 'products' page.   

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