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Two gardens half price: see 'Latest news' on home page for details.

Like 10% off? Offer ends 27 December

Posted by Alan Singleton on

Watersaver Gardens Take Off

The last four months have been absolutely full on. Even after hiring someone to give me a hand we have only just kept up. Great response from a feature in the Sunday Mail, big increase in web traffic and the Toowoomba Home Show Exhibit all contributing.

Also thanks should go to the advertising of the 'vegepod'. Customers have been finding my website when looking for the vegepod website: a quick comparison of value-for-money and the fact that a greater range can be grown in a Watersaver Garden make the purchase of one of my gardens a no-brainer. Here's hoping they keep promoting their product.

I got the last orders out yesterday, three Jumbos to Longreach and one to Karalee. I cannot get colorbond until the 9th Jan so I am on holidays!!

If you want a garden before then take your pick of the following and get 10% off:

Jumbo: Woodland Grey, Classic Cream, Paperbark, Cove, Monument, Cottage Green, Surfmist

Extra Large: Deep Ocean, Cottage Green, Woodland Grey, Jasper

Space Saver: Evening Haze, Gully, Manor Red

Herb: Manor Red, Woodland Grey

You can buy via website (type in the word sale) or over the phone.

Merry Xmas



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