Their is a ton of science behind quick composting but I am not one to be out there with a thermometer in the middle of the night. I have been a bit slack and just cranked up my volume of compost for the big garlic planting in a couple of weeks. If the compost is not ready it will take nitrogen away from the garlic in the early stages which is not a good thing.
I already had about 1/4 of a metre of half done compost:

In layers I added six bags of stable manure, more of my compost and a heap of fish bits from Stoney the friendly fish monger:

I finished of with a good topping of my half done compost-we wouldn’t want flies upsetting the neighbours.

I have ended up with about 1600mm x 1200mm x 500mm that will reduce by about 2/3 over the next three weeks (hopefully). After a good watering of laundry grey water I covered with plastic.

When this is finished I will dig it into two gardens where I am planting 100 garlic. I know that sounds a lot but we eat heaps, it keeps, and at the moment it is $40 a kilo. We are still enjoying garlic from last years harvest.